
#defocus - regular user
##etc - regular user
#wikia-infinitybladechat - founder
#CHBRPW-Chat - founder
I am usually a regular user on IRC (Internet Relay Chat).
I can be found on the,, and servers.
On the freenode server, I use the account "halcyonslayer", which also has "Dark-Nightingale", "God-King", "rismosis", "Rapunzel", "Skulldruggery", and "DarkSouls" grouped with the account.

I can most often be found under the "Rapunzel" nick.

I can also be found on mibbit where I use the nick "Nightingale".

My nick for stdrand is "Skulldruggery" just like on my freenode account.
I spend quite a bit of my time on #defocus chatting with the usually fluxuating 550 count of users that inhabit the channel. ##etc is another of the social chats that I'm is on, and it has mostly mature users from #defocus, which makes for a fun chatting experience with fewer trolls.

I enjoys spending time with the users of the #mhwikichatroom, as one of my favored video games is Monster Hunter.

On the #wikia-infinitybladechat channel, I spend my time as operator/founder since I am a bureaucrat on the wiki for Infinity Blade.
I was invited to the stdrand server by a friend on freenode, and will sometimes be on the server's general chat channel.


#mhwikichatroom - regular user


All chats - regular user